Archive for the ‘National ASTD’ Category

ASTD is now ATD

July 9, 2014

In case you did not catch the news, in May of 2014, the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) officially changed it’s name to Association for Talent Development (ATD).

My personal take on this change is positive. First off, we are an international organization, not just an “American” organization. Second, this is a shift towards a focus on people.

Previously, the way we thought about training was that we trained “stuff” to people. This new vision flips that model. We now need to think in the way of teaching people to do “stuff”.

As a practical example of this change, in my organization (a financial software company), we used to say things like “I train loans” or “I train deposits”. Well, the reality behind that is that you don’t teach loans or deposits anything – they are inanimate objects. Rather, what we really do is train Loan Officers or Customer Service Representatives to perform their job better using our software tool, which leads to the financial organization meeting its prescribed goals. It’s about the people.

Here is a link to the ATD page that describes the change.

On that page, you will find a short video by Tony Bingham, President and CEO of ATD.

ASTD – What are the benefits of being a National ASTD Member?

January 11, 2014

Did you know the national organization has revamped their membership structure? Did you also know that if you were a national member in 2013, you were automatically upgraded to the highest membership level.

The goal of being a national ASTD member is to be connected to your industry.

Here are some items to look for as you review your current membership benefits or if you are considering becoming a national member.
