Archive for the ‘Facilitationg Change’ Category

Coaching – Do You Want to Be a Little Smarter?

June 28, 2012

Content for this article came from Talk that Talk, Brandon Hall, Chief Learning Officer Magazine, July 2012.

Who doesn’t want to be a little smarter than the average bear? With the internet at your fingertips, you have ready access lots of smart people. Many great speakers and authors have stated that if you surround yourself with smart people, you become a smart person. Incredibly, this happens almost by osmosis. You absorb the thoughts and actions of those who you are around on a regular basis. So, the number one thing you can do, if you need to change some things in your life, is to make a change and hang around different people.

Where do you find these people? Let your fingers and your mouse do the walking.


Business Strategies – Planning for the Future of Your Business

April 21, 2012

This is a summary of an article from the magazine, Chief Learning Officer.

Are you so busy focusing on the next “fire” or today’s business that you don’t take the time to prepare for the future? Short-term planning is great for incremental change, but if you want to thrive in a world that has a ton of change happening, you can’t think one step at a time. You need to make the future tangible, so you can work with something imaginable and real.


You can envision your businesses future by creating alternative futures so you have some idea of what the future might hold. Scenarios are not predictors of the future, nor are they projections of what will actually happen. However, they provide an alternate view, so you can think and prepare for what might come to fruition. They simply allow you to think out beyond the next “crisis” you have to deal with and create some strategies.
